EVE – Evolving Education

They talk about us

Professional testimonials

International expert about Rescue in the Deep

Full interviews

Dr. Roman Turro Arau

Director of the Endoscopy Departement - Centro Medico Teknon -BARCELONA

Dr. Christine Stier

Head of surgical endoscopy of the Sana kliniken NordRhein - GERMANY

Prof. Philip Chiu

Dean, faculty of medecine, The Chinese University of Honk Kong - HONK KONG

Prof. Vincent Huberty

Director of the Integrated Obesity Center at Hospital Erasme - BRUXELLE

Our press elements


Alsace Business Angels

The regional investment funds of Alsace's business angels make equity investments in Alsatian projects with strong development potential.

LinkedIn – April. 2024


EAES 31st Annual Congress, Rome

Invited by the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery to be part of their hands-on caroussel

LinkedIn – June. 2023


MAXIFLASH - Local newspaper

EVE, la technologie au service de la chirurgie

Article – Dec. 2022

SEMIA (Quest for Health)


Web page – Apr. 2024